Minutes for November 19, 2022 at the (chilly) garden

Opening and Welcome – Susan Howard. Call to order at 9:40 am

Attendance – Susan Howard, Naomi Ellis, Barb Sibbald, Gail Hook, Marnie Latour, Kelly Marney

Financial report – Magda – bank balance $5432.99. There is $152.20 owing and $300 from bottle collection to be deposited.

Vice-President’s report – Barb has applied for a $2500 grant to install irrigation to the indigenous garden. Healing soils testing of some beds revealed Cadmium contamination. Adding leaf mulch will help repair that. Naomi has contacted Mike ‘the leaf guy’ who will drop off several bags of leaves for us.  Barb will do some research and give us more information about cadmium contamination.

Membership – Naomi. Two people have signed up for 2023, one person has quit. Jasper has given up his plot but will continue work with indigenous garden.

Action: Sarah has moved and did not renew, so we need a new school liaison.

Fundraising – no plant sale next year as Barb is having a hip replacement. Bottle returns are ongoing. We do not anticipate having to do any other fundraising for next year.

Action: Barb will contact Rachel at City Hall about moving plans, and signs on the gates.

 New Business:

Kelly Marney will help with the website and Facebook page.

No more meetings until the new year

Work parties – Naomi’s grandson Seth has volunteered his time and truck for clearing compost beds and other garbage.

Bob Sibbald dug up and cleaned out the school beds, but nobody else came to help for the work party.

The Board will convene in January to do a walk-through to see what repairs need to be done to beds. Susan then will order wood for repairs.

Action: we need a maintenance manager to keep track of repairs that need doing.

Bunnies – They are eating peoples’ plants and making large burrows in some of the plots. Barb and Bob Sibbald have purchased a live trap. It needs to be minded daily, and any rabbit caught is to be taken far away to be released.

Action: Bob Sibbald needs people to help with tending the rabbit traps.

We need to discuss with City Hall what can be done after we move to discourage their presence.

Action: Susan will purchase a lock for the shed and provide Robert Fraser with the code so he can winterize equipment. Water has been turned off.

Barb will donate a large metal rolling cart for use of food bank volunteers in sorting and cleaning produce.

Adjourned: 10:30 am

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