In attendance: Barb Sibbald-Chairperson, Patricia Murphy-Secretary, Pauline McLaren-Market Coordinator, Scott McDonald-Media Advisor, Gail Hook-School Liason, Sue Askew-Member at Large

Absent: Susan Howard-Vice Chair, Marga Konig-Treasurer, Nick Alcadinho and Bob Sibbald-Members at Large

The meeting was called to order at 10:05.


-Marga is in Thailand so no financials are available.

Market Update

-Pauline discussed the ginger that was planted is not doing well and will not be ready for seedy Saturday in Sooke

-There was discussion regarding getting a table at the Seniors Craft Sale in March and what we could sell there:  Ginger, Beeswax Covers, and Scott has homemade Pineapple Jam

-It was discussed that it is time to plant seedlings eg: tomatoes and peppers, for selling and maybe we would get a booth at the Langford Market 

-We also discussed selling turmeric

-Scott suggested we post pictures to social media to get the word out

-Barb will send out an email to members asking for unusual seedlings, etc. to sell and everyone should contact Pauline

Barb told us that we need to find a place to store the winter product.  It is being stored at Marga’s now but there is not enough room there. We discussed having a place at the gardens and the obstacles we would need to overcome ie: electricity source-possibly solar? How will we secure it?  Could we appeal to Colwood?  

Scott volunteered to research this as there are grants available for GREEN technology.

-Miracle Grow Grant:  

They have a mandate that you need to improve the community ie: educate children, make things better.

There is an awards system where 6 communities across Canada will get a grant – will go to the best idea

Communities in Bloom:

They need to know how people’s lives are being enriched and how are children involved.

You need to stand out and be different.  Gail mentioned Wishart School’s “spuds & tubs” program for growing potatoes

We discussed sending out a survey and what we would say.  It was suggested that a greenhouse should be included

It was discussed how we would get the job done if we did get a grant?  It was suggested the perennial garden should be first.  It will have a hugelkulter at either end.  We discussed if the landscaping ties need to be untreated.  Pauling mentioned that she regularly checks free stuff on sites like Craigslist


Barb has checked in to the Feather Flags for signage at markets.  They will need two weeks’ notice and the cost is $273.60 and the base is $100

This was deferred to next month


There is a work party on January 21st and January 26th.  Lowes will be coming out to take measurements for the gravel but they do not supply the labour.  We discussed ways to get a small digger:  post for volunteers?  Barb volunteered to check in to this.

Plant exchange

We discussed having a plant exchange for seeds and plants for veggies and flowers for the members on April 27th.  Would they need to be GMO free? Should we do it at the gardens?

It was decided to bring forward next month

Scott asked if we should include “action items” in the minutes going forward and it was decided  not to at this time.

Media Advisor

Scott gave a presentation on the importance of rebranding every 3-5 years regarding our logo and website.  We should look at our brand, logo, website and color scheme.  Our branding should reflect who we are.  Rebranding gives you the opportunity to better yourselves.

We discussed we should align with City of Colwood’s branding and possibly involve them after a decision has been make.  Scott will send the board articles with two questions and some examples for the Board’s consideration.

We had a discussion on changing the logo and Pauling suggested we should still incorporate the sunflower.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 16th @ 10am.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:23am

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