Minutes of Board Meeting January 14, 2023

Barbara Sibbald’s home, 10:a.m.

Attendance: Marnie Latour, Naomi Ellis, Susan Howard, Barb Sibbald, Magda Kernel, Rae Willier, Gail Hook.

November minutes: Gail sent copies for review. Adopted as read.

Financial report: Magda reported a bank balance of $5,785.18 as of January 31, 2023. Barb will follow up with Josh as he still has not cashed a cheque issued earlier.

2023 insurance has been paid. Magda will follow up to be sure we receive a certificate, as we did not last year.

We decided to set aside funds for: 

Supplies for repair of boxes – $2, 500.00

A load of soil – $900.00

Supplies for a bulletin board to be located outside the shed. Susan and son John will do the work – $300.00

Relocation: Barb spoke with our City Hall liaison and we will not be moved in the foreseeable future. Barb is talking with Colwood about irrigation for parts of the garden. She also will apply for a grant to improve the orchard

Work Party: Saturday, January 21, 9:30 to 12. Naomi will enlist the help of her grandson with a truck to remove the compost bins. Compost will be put in the Living Edge bed.

Board members Susan, Rae, Barb and Naomi along with Bob Sibbald will tour the garden and make note of repairs needed to boxes. We need a coordinator to oversee the work. We will salvage as much lumber as possible to rebuild, and ensure longer screws are used to hold boxes together.

Bunny problem: Bunnies have been burrowing and eating a lot of plants. Rae will develop strategies to deal with them. Among the suggestions were making rabbit stew, and building a hutch for captured bunnies (possibly by the shed where the compost bins are now) with a view to feeding them garden waste and collecting fertilizer. Barb will approach City Hall for guidance on a plan. They said they have some traps we could use to catch them. Naomi will talk with Rita and Pauline to see if they have any ideas.

Wishart: Gail and Marnie called the school, and the principal replied that they are doing fundraising for a garden on school property, so will not be using our garden. Gail offered help if they can think of a way we can assist with the project.

Questions about the website: Kelly Marney was ill, so Barb will connect with her about the website.

Maintenance: Rae will help with lawn cutting and whipper snipping. We have not hear Bob’s plans for this year.

Noami has a source of grass clippings which we could use as mulch in the indigenous garden. The clippings from the garden itself are too weedy.

Barb will arrange for people from the board to meet the new council members.

February meeting will be Saturday, February 11 at the garden at 10:00 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

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