In attendance: Barb Sibbald-Chairperson, Patricia Murphy-Secretary, Pauline McLaren-Market Coordinator, Scott McDonald-Media Advisor, Gail Hook-School Liason, Sue Askew-Member at Large

Absent: Susan Howard-Vice Chair, Marga Konig-Treasurer, Nick Alcadinho and Bob Sibbald-Members at Large

The meeting was called to order at 10:05.


-Marga is in Thailand so no financials are available.

Market Update

-Pauline discussed the ginger that was planted is not doing well and will not be ready for seedy Saturday in Sooke

-There was discussion regarding getting a table at the Seniors Craft Sale in March and what we could sell there:  Ginger, Beeswax Covers, and Scott has homemade Pineapple Jam

-It was discussed that it is time to plant seedlings eg: tomatoes and peppers, for selling and maybe we would get a booth at the Langford Market 

-We also discussed selling turmeric

-Scott suggested we post pictures to social media to get the word out

-Barb will send out an email to members asking for unusual seedlings, etc. to sell and everyone should contact Pauline

Barb told us that we need to find a place to store the winter product.  It is being stored at Marga’s now but there is not enough room there. We discussed having a place at the gardens and the obstacles we would need to overcome ie: electricity source-possibly solar? How will we secure it?  Could we appeal to Colwood?  

Scott volunteered to research this as there are grants available for GREEN technology.

-Miracle Grow Grant:  

They have a mandate that you need to improve the community ie: educate children, make things better.

There is an awards system where 6 communities across Canada will get a grant – will go to the best idea

Communities in Bloom:

They need to know how people’s lives are being enriched and how are children involved.

You need to stand out and be different.  Gail mentioned Wishart School’s “spuds & tubs” program for growing potatoes

We discussed sending out a survey and what we would say.  It was suggested that a greenhouse should be included

It was discussed how we would get the job done if we did get a grant?  It was suggested the perennial garden should be first.  It will have a hugelkulter at either end.  We discussed if the landscaping ties need to be untreated.  Pauling mentioned that she regularly checks free stuff on sites like Craigslist


Barb has checked in to the Feather Flags for signage at markets.  They will need two weeks’ notice and the cost is $273.60 and the base is $100

This was deferred to next month


There is a work party on January 21st and January 26th.  Lowes will be coming out to take measurements for the gravel but they do not supply the labour.  We discussed ways to get a small digger:  post for volunteers?  Barb volunteered to check in to this.

Plant exchange

We discussed having a plant exchange for seeds and plants for veggies and flowers for the members on April 27th.  Would they need to be GMO free? Should we do it at the gardens?

It was decided to bring forward next month

Scott asked if we should include “action items” in the minutes going forward and it was decided  not to at this time.

Media Advisor

Scott gave a presentation on the importance of rebranding every 3-5 years regarding our logo and website.  We should look at our brand, logo, website and color scheme.  Our branding should reflect who we are.  Rebranding gives you the opportunity to better yourselves.

We discussed we should align with City of Colwood’s branding and possibly involve them after a decision has been make.  Scott will send the board articles with two questions and some examples for the Board’s consideration.

We had a discussion on changing the logo and Pauling suggested we should still incorporate the sunflower.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 16th @ 10am.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:23am

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Meeting was called to order at 10:00am


Susan Howard, Barb Sibbald, Marga Konig, Gail Hook, Scott McDonald, Sue Dugaro, Karen Henderson, Phyllis, Jay, James

FINANCIAL STATEMENT – Marga confirmed we have approx. $2,857.80 of available funds.


  • Went over shed plans, shed will be 8 X 10, will need limestone screening, clear plastic on roof and large doors.  Josh from clear sky, will prepare area, $3750.66 was quote.  Action – Look at getting further quotes.  Some discussion on changing the shed design, living roof, and location.
  • Will bring up again at next board meeting when decision has been made about putting the shed in the new expansion instead of in the old expansion where the original plan was.


  • Has not been voted on or accepted by city council.
  • Waiting list is 10 people for plots, 26 rented plots plus 2 plots for living edge and community garden.  Expanded by 50 feet, give extra 18 community plots, plus 2 plots for food bank.  
  • There was some great discussion surrounding the shed and accessibility plots, and whether or not they should go in the new expansion, if so, we will lose some plots in the new expansion, but gain some more in the old site.  To discuss further in the next board meeting.
  • Action – Barb will send out a quick survey as to what people want for the expansion.  
  • Plan needs to go through city hall, then needs to go to city council.  
  • Action – This week Barb will do up a letter to City Hall.

Scott McDonald had moved “that the Colwood garden Society board formally approach the City of Colwood and counsel for approval to expand the Colwood community garden by 3750 square ft, directly next to the current occupied space, on City of Colwood property.” James Fink has seconded the motion.


  • Action – we will need a new school liaison for Dunsmuir Middle School.  They will be using 2 gardens in the new expansion.
  • The volunteer will need a criminal record check, you do not work with groups of students on your own, teacher will be there, your role is to send out emails and coordinate with teacher.  
  • Teachers and students are responsible for the planting and watering and harvesting of the plots.
  • The school found it difficult to keep plots watered over the summer. 


  • Christmas craft fair- last year made $200, do we want to do this again?  Would like feedback on this, will there be enough volunteers?  
  • An alternative would be to have a plant sale in the spring, in the parking lot of church, we could rent tables to sell seeds, west coast seeds will donate seeds.  
  • Marga suggested moving the date to the 1st Saturday in May, that time of year will be warmer, and plants will be ready.  
  • There is an advertising team this year for plant sale and have Wishart school to participate.

Scott McDonald Motioned to not have the Xmas craft sale and establish an annual plant sale at beginning of May.  Jay Ruryk seconded it.


  • There was some discussion as to what happens when garden plots are not used, nothing is being planted.

Barb and Scott brought up as per garden rules and regulations:

“Plots must show some activity by May 1st, lack of activity may result in the cancellation of the lease with the plot returning to the rental pool.”  Action – Barb will be sending out a copy of the bylaws for community gardens as per suggestion from Gail.

  • Phyllis will approach city hall for recycling of pop bottles and cans to Colwood garden society and suggested that we could get bottles from Wishart school.


  • Phyllis has nominated Bev McKinnon as secretary, Barb has seconded it.
  • All existing members will be staying on.
  • James to do volunteer coordinator


  • Gail has suggested that the person who gets new plot is involved in the building and filling of plot.
  • Barb suggested that we bring all of our ideas for the expansion gardens to next meeting.


  • Board meetings are held the third Saturday of every month at Barb Sibbald’s place, 3378 Wishard Rd.  All members are invited to attend.
  • The next Board meeting is Saturday, October 19th starting at 10am.

Barb adjourned meeting at 11:40am.

Encl:  Letter from Wishard Road – Teacher Suzanne Agnew

From: “Suzanne Agnew” <sagnewvictoria@shaw.ca>

To: “Gail J. Hook” <gjahook@gmail.com>

CC: “Kristi Bryant” <kbryant@sd62.bc.ca>

Sent: September 17, 2019 12:51 PM

Subject: Re: fyi and input

Hi Gail.

Thank you for all your information about the garden and how to continue to make it grow and produce. My new class was over the moon with excitement as they harvested the sunflowers and were so excited to discover all the wonderful vegetables growing in the other plots. We also had the pleasure of seeing a lizard, a spider and a snake all on our first outing so of course the desire to continue our visits was extremely high.

It is so wonderful for many of the students, who don’t have gardens of their own to see the changes first hand and it has created many opportunities for discussions and learning.

As Kristi stated, summer was very difficult for us to maintain the watering of the garden as we both were very busy with travels and our own families. It was nice to know that there were families and other garden workers helping out. I would love to offer families the choice to visit the garden over the summer and water if they have time but I also don’t want to burden them with obligations as I know how summer plans can quickly change. A “Please Water Me’ sign seems to be a great way to encourage other gardeners to lend a hand when possible.

Kristi and I have booth signed up for 2 different gardening opportunities and of course we have the potatoes again this year which have offered us both the confidence to try gardening on a larger level (yes this is completely out of my comfort zone). It has so many benefits that it is worth the efforts to create more time in the schedule for observation, enjoyment and discovery.

I would like to offer the dahlias to any gardener who would like to dig them up and take the tubers. If there are no takers then I will offer them to the school parents.

I do love this experience but unfortunately I need my weekends to recoup after the busy week!

Thanks again


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Meeting was called to order at 10:00am
Susan Howard
Barb Sibbald
Marga Konig
Gail Hook
FINANCIAL STATEMENT – Marga confirmed we have approx. $3,100.00 of available funds.
Expansion of the garden will take up most of the money.
• There will be 21 new garden plots to be constructed, 17 regular plots, 2 wheelchair plots, and 2 will
be for the school.
• There will be 24 kids who will be constructing the plots in March and will need volunteers to help
the kids, the wood and dirt will be supplied by the Garden Society.
• Once the boxes are constructed, Clear Sky will be bringing in a slinger truck to fill the boxes, once
the boxes are constructed and filled then work will begin on constructing a new fence.
• An e-mail will be sent out for volunteer work parties to help with the expansion project, dates still
need to be determined.
• There is a Go West Shore and Co-op Grant advertised in our facebook page, whoever votes the
most will get $1000, however it is limited to one vote per person.
• The Garden Society has applied for a grant of $12,000 from the TD Bank, we will find out in April
whether or not we will receive the grant.
• James has volunteered to look into whether or not there is grants available to the garden society
through Kiwanis and the lions Club.
• The plant sale is on May 2nd, therefore we should start growing plants for the plant sale by April if
not earlier depending on the plant. An e-mail will be sent out to remind people to start germinating
their plants.
• The teachers at Wishart school said that the students will be getting plants ready to sell.
• We will need to determine what the pricing will be for the plants, James will be looking into this
further by sourcing information at earth gardening through Camosun College.
• The online auction will be running from April-May.
• Jay thought it would be a good idea to sell some of his art pieces (wood with art stamps on them) at
the plant sale. The wood pieces were distributed among the board members.
• He also brought in a couple of wood signs along with various pieces of walnut and cherry wood
with the idea of making signs for the community garden, such as “Community Garden Members
Only” or using the wood for wood chips for the garden.
• Bev has taken the wood home to see if her husband can make some signs with the wood for the
community garden.
• James is wanting to know if people would be willing to sign his petition in order to help restore
Holly House (built in 1915) which is located at Landsdowne Campus.
• If you want more information you can go to change.Org and search holly house.
• There is a display cast at the Juan De Fuca Library that we could use for the month of April to help
promote the community garden or plant sale.
• Will need to determine what will go in the display case and require a group of volunteers to help
make up the display.
• We are looking for a new school liaison volunteer to replace Gail, there is a requirement for a
criminal record check for this volunteer position.
• Expansion Project – An e-mail will need to be sent out to help with the expansion project,
constructing the boxes, etc.
• Plant Sale – An e-mail will need to be sent out reminding people to start germinating their plants;
also need to determine pricing for the plants and advertising.
• Library Display Case – need to determine what goes into the display case for the month of April
and require a group of volunteers to help fill the case.
• Wishart School – need to fill school liaison volunteer position.
Barb adjourned meeting at 11:25am. The next meeting will be Saturday, February 15th.

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AGM Minutes October 27, 2018

Meeting was started at 7pm with a welcome from Barb.

Barb gave an overview of job descriptions for Board members.

  1. Lauren Bernardi is stepping down from Chair Person and Barb Sibbald (who has been acting chair) would like to move from Vice Chair to Chair.  There was a motion and a second.
  • Susan Howard volunteered to be Vice Chair and there was a motion and a second.
  • Sarah Karkanis is stepping down as Treasurer and Marga Konig volunteered to take this position.  There was a motion and a second.
  • Patricia Murphy will stay on as Secretary.
  • Pauline McLaren will stay on as Marketing Director and it was discussed that we may not be moving forward with markets due to lack of volunteers and product to sell.
  • Scott McDonald has expressed interest in coming on as Media Advisor but was not confirmed as he was not able to attend the meeting
  • Gail Hook will stay on as School Liaison and she updated on the kids activities in the garden and the need to occupy the children who are not gardening at the moment as they will garden in shifts.
  • Bob Sibbald and Nick Alcadinho will stay on as Members at Large.

Living Edge garden plots

Barb updated on the two garden plots that are designated for Living Edge.  Barb delivers food every Friday morning and, if you have any extra food in your garden, you can leave it by the Living Edge plots for Barb to take.

Financial Statements

The financial statements were reviewed and accepted.  Barb advised we have not received the water bill yet so that will reduce our numbers quite a bit.

Mason Bees

Barb updated that we will be having mason bees delivered in the spring and they will be picked up in the fall.

Work Party Nov. 3, 2018

We will be trying to build the school boxes, plant a peach tree and start the communal and pollinator gardens.  We will start at 9:30 unless it is raining heavily.

Church of Advent Christmas Fair on November 17, 2018

We have a booth at this fair and require crafts, etc. to sell.  We cannot sell baked goods as this is what the Church sell.  We also need Volunteers to man the table.

New Board Members

Barb expressed a need for a Volunteer Co-ordinator and an Event & Fundraiser

Co-Ordinator .   Fundraising has not been very successful.  Anyone interested, or who has ideas, please contact Barb.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 24th at 10am.

The meeting was adjorned at 7:28pm

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AGM 2022

Colwood Garden Society Annual General Meeting

September 16, 2022

Held at the Colwood Community Garden

Called to order by Susan Howard at 10:03 a.m.

Attendance: Susan Howard, Gail Hook, Naomi Ellis, Jasper  Ruryk, Scott McDonald, Belgica Morante, Val Kowalko, Krys Rennick, Rob Leblanc, Marga Konig, Rita Anderson, Michelle Ellington, Masaka Walker, Robert Fraser, Margaret and Herb Hamlyn, Gretchen Tobin, Irina Mielecka, Karol Wittla, Sue Askew, Rae Willier.

2021 AGM minutes, which Susan sent earlier for review adopted as read. (see attached documentation.)

Treasurer’s Report:  Magda Kernel Presented by Naomi as Magda is on vacation.  Magda implemented  internet banking for plot rentals, and this proved popular.

6,129.02Coast Capital Balance October 1, 2021
-1,297.61Total of all transactions below (row 27-102); October 1, 2021 to October 9, 2022)
4,831.41Balance October 9, 2022
-769.02Garden Soil – Clear Sky (did not clear!!??)
-675.40Wood for garden boxes
-487.05Pathway stones
-449.69Indigenous Garden plants – Satinflower Nurseries and Lowe
2,920.00Memberships and plot rentals
1,141.60Bottles (Naomi to confirm the amount)
1,000.00Pooni donation
500.00Victoria Gardens Society Grant
4,831.41Balance on October 9
-769.02Clear Sky-Cheque 52 – which did not clear as of October 9, 2022
2,700.00ESTIMATE Plot rentals 2023 (January to March 15)
-250.00ESTIMATE Insurance for 2023, BC Council of Garden Clubs
6,512.39Projected balance March 31, 2023

Membership Report: Naomi Ellis. We have 65 beds for rent. Naomi will send renewal notices before our November meeting.

President’s Report: Susan Howard – Susan thanked volunteers for their work and presented cards and a bouquet of flowers to regular volunteers.

Susan confirmed that the prospective move to a different location is at least 2 years off.

We achieved several goals this year. The new shed was put up early in 2022, and the City built a wheelchair accessible ramp this fall. We purchased a new lawnmover, and GableCraft donated an electric weed whacker.

Notice that water will be turned off November I and shed will be locked until spring. Naomi will send the lock codes  for the north gate to members.

Nominations and Election of New Officers:

President: Susan Howard – acclaimed

Vice President: Barbara Sibbald: -acclaimed

Treasurer: Magda Kernel – acclaimed

Secretary: Gail Hook has stepped down. Volunteer needed for this position.

Membership Director: Naomi Ellis – acclaimed

Communications and IT committee: Sarah Stolz, Val Kowalko, Barbara Sibbald and Scott McDonald. Jacynta Spicer & Chris Avis  were unable to attend but volunteered via e-mail to support IT.

Indigenous garden: Jasper Ruryk, Rae Willier, Barbara Sibbald

Member(s) at large: Members will attend board meetings, vote and assume responsibilities as needed.

Gail Hook

Marnie Latour

 Irina Mielecka

Changes to Garden by-laws: Susan introduced Gretchen Tobin who gave a summary of changes to the garden by-laws. Bylaw changes had previously been sent to all members. Moved by Susan, seconded by Gail that the changes be adopted.

Approved. There are still some issues outstanding which will be discussed at future meetings, and further changes may be proposed for the 2023 AGM.

Several members had good ideas for fundraising and events for next season. They are encouraged to come to a Board meeting and bring them up for discussion. Next meeting will be November 12, 2022 at 10:00 at the garden, or at Barb Sibbald’s home if weather is bad.

Meeting adjourned at 10:57.

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Minutes of Board Meeting September 10, 2022

September 10 2022 9:30 at the garden

Attendance: Naomi, Susan, Gail, Sarah, Gretchen

School Beds –After discussion with Sarah, and the weeds and seeds in the  Dunsmuir beds, Gail sent a letter to principal Mark Kaercher outlining the problem of care of beds in summer and letting him know we will not provide a plot  for Dunsmuir in future.  We got a thoughtful letter from teacher Anastasia Wilson Burke and suggestions for how students use the garden for learning. Barb, is there any specific obligation to schools according to City Hall? No mention in by-laws.

Financial report – Magda – unavailable

By-laws update – Gretchen Tobin has agreed to undertake the task of revising the garden by-laws. We had a long discussion and made suggestions, and she will do a draft to distribute. Gretchen made many notes. She will research bylaws of other groups, and make a list of ‘invasive’ plants to avoid. We will meet October 1, 9:30 at the garden to discuss progress.

Slate of Officers for AGM – Susan  (Naomi?) will send e-mails to members with details of the AGM on October 15, and  ask for people to stand for election.

No Trespassing signs –Susan had some laminated and posted on each gate. Naomi had questions from Sandra Russell about the No Trespassing signs on the gates. She thought they could be reworded to be friendlier, or… Naomi outlined our reasons for putting them up – vandalism, people unsure who is allowed inside (insurance says only members), theft of veggies. No reply as yet from Sandra. Sarah suggested that Sandra be asked to provide new signs.

Bunnies – Bob S caught and relocated one, there is still one at large.

Garden videos – Val (bed 1) is offering to do videos for us. Sarah suggested something people could respond to rather than a post on the website. Naomi will suggest talking to Scott and Sarah.

January we will plan bed repair. We will think about a seed and equipment exchange – next March possibly.

Susan has photos and serial numbers of equipment we own. Gail took the folder to add to the record book.

Next meeting: AGM October 15. We will try for use of Barb’s church, serve cookies or timbits and coffee/tea.

Adjourned at 11:07

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