Our Sponsors, current and past, are local businesses who have helped us grow through donations of cash and/or good and services. We are grateful, for without them, we would not be where we are today.
Sponsor: City of ColwoodThe City of Colwood has been with us since day one when the Society was created in 2014. We continue to operate with their full support , under a yearly lease agreement. They graciously donated the land at Colwood City Hall upon which the Colwood Community Gardens grow. They continue to encourage and mentor us, for which we are grateful. Read Colwood Garden Day Proclamation.
Sponsor: Clear Sky Yard Care & LandscapingClear Sky Yard Care & Landscaping offers us landscaping services such as land levelling, pole digging and accessibility services at cost with the labour component donated. Read blog post.

Sponsor: Bedwetter’s Irrigation
Bedwetter’s Irrigation has generously donated their time and supplies for all hookups to water and hoses in the garden.
Cash Donor: Lowe’s — Langford StoreTo our surprise and delight, we got a call from Lowe’s — Langford Store this past January informing us that their store staff driven fundraiser had chosen the Colwood Garden Society to gift over $4,400.00 for accessibility upgrades, which are now in planning. Read blog post.
Sponsor: Island Junk Removal SolutionsIsland Junk Removal Solutions sponsorship details: Wes Roberts, owner, and his team have generously offered to pick up, at no cost to the society, garden waste, unused pots, and wooden items at the end of the growing season. These items will be composted and returned to the soil system and/or recycled. Furthermore, they will also haul soil or gravel for us, twice per year at the beginning of the growing season. Up to now, we have been hauling soil in plastic tubs or the back of a pickup truck when available. Read blog post.
ScottinColwood.ca DigitalScottinColwood.ca Digital donates all the Society’s Web Design, WordPress Maintenance, and Online Marketing needs.

In 2014, when we were just beginning, the Rotary Club of Colwood generously donated $1,000 to our fledgling Society. Read blog post.
To become one of our sponsors, go to our Donate or Sponsor page.
We acknowledge that our work, and daily life takes place on the traditional lands of the Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) and Lkwungen (Songhees) ancestors and families who have lived on this land for thousands of years.