I love the month of May. I love watching new life poke its head through the dirt and reach for the sun. Seeds and seedlings planted in April have now grown above the boxes in our community garden, and high stalks with so many shades of tasty green leaves have emerged. Diversity abounds here, as members have planted their favourite fruits, vegetables, and even flowers. Mmm, nothing tastes as good as fresh from the garden.
Here a list of some edible garden flowers:
- Borage Blossoms
- Calendula
- Zucchini Blossoms
- Hibiscus
- Lavender
- Nasturtiums
- Pansies
- Roses
- Sage Flowers
- Violets
Do you have a favourite recipe using flower blossoms? Share it in the comments section below!
If you need another excuse for eating fresh from your own garden, according to Harvard University, fruits and vegetables start losing their nutrition right after picking. Makes me wonder how much nutrition that spinach from California actually has left after a 3-day truck ride! Or that garlic from China. Who knows how long it takes to get that here.
Mason Bees
Have you seen our little black bees gathering pollen from the blossoms in the garden? We have about 100 of them pollinating our plants. Please treat them gently. They are very benign. Thanks to Graham Hickling for the donation of the bees and setting up their little houses.
Having Trouble Harvesting?
May 2019 has been cool, but I still I noticed some plots that haven’t been harvested in time, and, sadly, going to seed. If you are having trouble getting to the garden, please let me know. We donate produce weekly to the Living Edge Market, a free market-style food distribution centre in Langford that helps feed our marginalized neighbours. I will gladly harvest some of your produce to take with me!

Volunteer Opportunity
On that topic, are you interested in helping me out? The task involves going to the garden to pick the fresh produce around 9:30 Friday morning, and dropping it off at the market at Langford. Done in an hour! I will be away some Fridays, and need someone to fill in. (To instead help through sponsorship or to make a donation, see our donate and sponsor page.)
Upcoming Events
***NEW Join us at the community garden Wednesday, June 19, 2019 to celebrate Garden Days BC from 6-8:30 PM. Get a tour, learn about how we give back, and try some fresh lemongrass tea!
Bottle Drive: ongoing – email us to collect your bottles. Or bring them to the garden June 19 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm! May 2019 was our best month yet, let’s see if we can beat it in June!