Help the Society Win a $2500 Grant from Scotts Miracle-Gro!
Each year, Scotts Canada awards 6 – $2500 grants to deserving communities, schools and non-profit civic organizations seeking to develop sustainable gardens and green spaces.

We are committed to supporting green space solutions that improve the community of Colwood, who generously leases us garden space for a mere $1 per year.
Outside the fence, facing the parking lot, we want to create an Interactive Native Plant and Pollinator Garden to enhance community beauty, create pollinator habitat, provide therapeutic benefit as people can immerse themselves in the garden and sit on benches in solitude; and engage and educate local students to learn about the benefits of gardening and green spaces, while interacting with the local environment.
Interactive Native Plant and Pollinator Garden – draft plan

Read the letter from Wishart Elementary Principal in support of our efforts.

Letter from Wishart Elementary students in support of our project:

Survey results are in! Thank you for all who participated! We received 71 YES votes!