Support Our Grant Application to Scotts Canada

Help the Society Win a $2500 Grant from Scotts Miracle-Gro!

Each year, Scotts Canada awards 6 – $2500 grants to deserving communities, schools and non-profit civic organizations seeking to develop sustainable gardens and green spaces.

Grant Application Grow for Good

We are committed to supporting green space solutions that improve the community of Colwood, who generously leases us garden space for a mere $1 per year.

Outside the fence, facing the parking lot, we want to create an Interactive Native Plant and Pollinator Garden to enhance community beauty, create pollinator habitat, provide therapeutic benefit as people can immerse themselves in the garden and sit on benches in solitude; and engage and educate local students to learn about the benefits of gardening and green spaces, while interacting with the local environment.

Interactive Native Plant and Pollinator Garden – draft plan

Interactive Native Plant and Pollinator Garden draft plan

Read the letter from Wishart Elementary Principal in support of our efforts.

Letter from Wishart Elementary in support of our Scotts Canada grant Application

Letter from Wishart Elementary students in support of our project:

Survey results are in! Thank you for all who participated! We received 71 YES votes!

Scott Canada grant surgery results
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Garden Update: April 2018

Welcome back!  How time has flown while our society board worked through all the paperwork and red tape that must be done before building begins.  The final paperwork is sitting on our city engineer’s desk, waiting for one final small change on our insurance policy.  As soon as all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed, we are set to go!!
Have you thought about what you would like to plant in your garden plot?  As most seasoned gardeners know, this is the time to start seedlings indoors.  All you need is a warm space with lots of light, and some good seedling soil (available almost everywhere at this time of year), and you are good to go!  Here are some easy suggestions for first-timers:

  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Zucchini

The Old Farmer’s Almanac has a great how-to for starting seeds.

What seedlings have you started?  Leave your comments on our Gardening Tips page, or click on “Leave a Comment” button at the top of this post.
That’s it for now!  You can email us at or find us on Facebook.


Image Credit: Jennifer @ JSPatchwork via Flickr

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Garden Update: Moving our Garden Project Forward!

With the New Year and new energy upon us, we have been working hard to move our community garden project forward with the goal of constructing this spring!

First, we are very excited to announce that the Colwood Rotary Club has generously provided the Colwood Garden Society with a $1000 donation to jump start the garden! We extend our heartfelt thanks to Rotary for their support of, and belief in, our community garden! This donation has allowed us to move forward with securing our insurance, a requirement in order to sign our garden lease with the City of Colwood. We are currently in discussion with Colwood to arrange a lease signing date and presentation. Stay tuned!
deer fence
On this note, the next step will be moving forward with constructing our garden. We are looking for volunteers to help us in this endeavor. We are especially in need of people who have experience/knowledge of fencing and garden irrigation installation. If you are interested in participating, please let us know and we will keep you informed of timing etc.
Lastly, if you would like to rent a plot please contact us and we will get you on the list. Plot rentals are first come first serve. As a reminder, plot renters are required to be members of the Colwood Garden Society.
That’s it for now!  You can email us at or find us on Facebook.

We are looking forward to making this community garden a reality!

Thank you for your interest and support thus far. 

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Garden Update: September 2014

It may have seemed like nothing has been going on with your Community Garden but the Board has been busy!

After 6 months of work, the Colwood Garden Society (yep that is our official name) has an agreement with the City of Colwood. We have investigated insurance for the site, created the garden layout, put together a budget for the build, created our organizations logo and came up with a few ideas for products to sell.

The good news… We have an approved Garden Layout and we have an approved logo, see below.
Colwood garden logo surround words
What do you think? Our Logo was designed and painted by one of our board members, Joanna MacDougall. She did a fabulous job for us!

Garden Layout

What do you think? Our Logo was designed and painted by one of our board members, Joanna MacDougall. She did a fabulous job for us!
Please keep checking back as we are posting current information on Facebook…

Next step is fundraising!

Over the fall and winter we need to raise funds. We are finalizing a package of information about the Society that can be offered to businesses when asking for donations.

Events to date:

  • Presentation to Rotary for funds, mid-October
  • Christmas Craft Fair -We have a table at the Church of the Advent – on Saturday November 15, 2014 – 10 am to 3 pm. A great opportunity for us to inform the public of the garden, fundraise, as well as gain further membership.

More to come…

We are looking for more help from all of you at this time for fundraising support. If you would like to be a part of a fundraising committee, please email us.

If you have any ideas for fundraising please let us know. 

Looking forward to digging in the dirt together!
The Colwood Garden Society Board

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