Conducted by Zoom October 16 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Gail Hook, Naomi Ellis, Susan Howard, Barb Sibbald, Kayla Smart,
Janette Partaik, Patrick Levis, Tracy Jacznik, Gretchen Tobin, Miho
Lindley, Winnie Quan, Marga Konig, Deborah Gordon, Catherine Nickel,
Robert Fraser, Magda Kernel, Myrna Adams, Bruce Sellinger representing
Dunsmuir teachers, Jay Ruryk
Compost: Naomi reiterated that the compost bins have been closed – people were not using them properly. Gardeners are expected to dispose of garden waster at home or at twice monthly City of Colwood Yard Waste depots.
Robert showed interest in educating gardeners and continuing the program. Gail moved (seconded by Gretchen) that, once work parties are safe again, we form a committee to lead and organize information sessions. Approved.
Barb Sibbald will take on the issue of volunteering and pulling one’s weight safely, and will explore the need for a volunteer co-ordinator.
Naomi introduced Bruce Sellinger from Dunsmuir, one of the teachers who will be using the Dunsmuir beds. Students will be from 2 grade 6 and one grade 8 classes. She answered his questions, and with him will arrange a meeting with school liaison Sarah Stolz and the teachers at the garden for an orientation.
Gretchen suggested people need a ‘to-do’ list so they can help out effectively if they come to the garden and have some time. We will arrange a white board or blackboard when the new shed is built.
November 20 Jay has arranged a work party led by Saanich Native Plants group at the garden at 2:00 p.m.
Bob will cut the lawn once more this fall.
The following Board Members have resigned: Janette Partaik (president), Bev McKinnon (secretary), Marga Konig (treasurer).
New Board Members were duly nominated and seconded and acclaimed:
President: Susan Howard
Vice President: Barb Sibbald
Treasurer: Magda Kernel
Membership: Naomi Ellis
Recording Secretary: Gail Hook
IT and Communications : Scot McDonald
Volunteer Co-ordinator: needed
Members at Large needed to advise the board and attend meetings as a voting member.
Member at Large: Sarah Stolz, School liason
Member at Large: Jay Ruryk – Indigenous garden
Barbara Sibbald will put together a slate of Members at Large to support the board. Interested people should contact her at Barbara Sibbald <
Gretchen thanked Janette for her hard work on behalf of the Garden. Janette thanked the board members who are stepping down for their efforts.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10.