AGM Minutes September 28, 2024

Barb Sibbald called  the meeting to order at 11:00am with 23 members attending the AGM at the garden site. Barb then introduced the current board members.

Naomi Ellis gave the financial report in the absence of Magda Kernel the treasure. It was reported that the bank balance in September of 2023 was $7702.01. The current balance to date is $9753.53. We welcomed 22 new members. Naomi Ellis made a motion to accept the treasure’s report as presented. Gail Hook second the motion.

There was a discussion led by Barb Sibbald regarding a gazebo for the garden. There was an example of a possible design presented and passed around for members to observe. Estimated cost and installation was discussed. Jacquie Laurie made a motion to pursue construction as presented with the total cost not to exceed $4000.00. A vote with show of hands was all in favor with the exception of one member. Naomi Ellis second the motion.

Barb Sibbald addressed the election of new board members.

President: Barb Sibbald nominated Enzo Divito (who was not in attendance) Approval was unanimous. Elected by acclamation.

Vice President: Marnie Latour volunteered for the position. Approval was unanimous. Elected by acclamation.

Treasurer: Magda Kernel (who was absent from the meeting) has stated that she will remain as treasurer. Elected by acclamation.

Secretary: Val Kowalko stated that she would continue in the roll of secretary. Elected by acclamation.

Membership Secretary: Naomi Ellis stated that she will remain as membership secretary. Jacquie Laurie agreed to assist Naomi in this role. Both were elected by acclamation.

Members at Large: Gail Hook shall remain as a member at large. New volunteers include: Stacey Howard, Susan Howard and Robert Fraser.

The meeting was adjourned by Barb Sibbald at 11:45.  It was a beautiful day to remain in the garden to enjoy tea, coffee and goodies. All the members attending enjoyed the sunshine and time to socialize.

September 28, 2024

Barb Sibbald called  the meeting to order at 11:00am with 23 members attending the AGM at the garden site. Barb then introduced the current board members.

Naomi Ellis gave the financial report in the absence of Magda Kernel the treasure. It was reported that the bank balance in September of 2023 was $7702.01. The current balance to date is $9753.53. We welcomed 22 new members. Naomi Ellis made a motion to accept the treasure’s report as presented. Gail Hook second the motion.

There was a discussion led by Barb Sibbald regarding a gazebo for the garden. There was an example of a possible design presented and passed around for members to observe. Estimated cost and installation was discussed. Jacquie Laurie made a motion to pursue construction as presented with the total cost not to exceed $4000.00. A vote with show of hands was all in favor with the exception of one member. Naomi Ellis second the motion.

Barb Sibbald addressed the election of new board members.

President: Barb Sibbald nominated Enzo Divito (who was not in attendance) Approval was unanimous. Elected by acclamation.

Vice President: Marnie Latour volunteered for the position. Approval was unanimous. Elected by acclamation.

Treasurer: Magda Kernel (who was absent from the meeting) has stated that she will remain as treasurer. Elected by acclamation.

Secretary: Val Kowalko stated that she would continue in the roll of secretary. Elected by acclamation.

Membership Secretary: Naomi Ellis stated that she will remain as membership secretary. Jacquie Laurie agreed to assist Naomi in this role. Both were elected by acclamation.

Members at Large: Gail Hook shall remain as a member at large. New volunteers include: Stacey Howard, Susan Howard and Robert Fraser.

The meeting was adjourned by Barb Sibbald at 11:45.  It was a beautiful day to remain in the garden to enjoy tea, coffee and goodies. All the members attending enjoyed the sunshine and time to socialize.

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