AGM 2022

Colwood Garden Society Annual General Meeting

September 16, 2022

Held at the Colwood Community Garden

Called to order by Susan Howard at 10:03 a.m.

Attendance: Susan Howard, Gail Hook, Naomi Ellis, Jasper  Ruryk, Scott McDonald, Belgica Morante, Val Kowalko, Krys Rennick, Rob Leblanc, Marga Konig, Rita Anderson, Michelle Ellington, Masaka Walker, Robert Fraser, Margaret and Herb Hamlyn, Gretchen Tobin, Irina Mielecka, Karol Wittla, Sue Askew, Rae Willier.

2021 AGM minutes, which Susan sent earlier for review adopted as read. (see attached documentation.)

Treasurer’s Report:  Magda Kernel Presented by Naomi as Magda is on vacation.  Magda implemented  internet banking for plot rentals, and this proved popular.

6,129.02Coast Capital Balance October 1, 2021
-1,297.61Total of all transactions below (row 27-102); October 1, 2021 to October 9, 2022)
4,831.41Balance October 9, 2022
-769.02Garden Soil – Clear Sky (did not clear!!??)
-675.40Wood for garden boxes
-487.05Pathway stones
-449.69Indigenous Garden plants – Satinflower Nurseries and Lowe
2,920.00Memberships and plot rentals
1,141.60Bottles (Naomi to confirm the amount)
1,000.00Pooni donation
500.00Victoria Gardens Society Grant
4,831.41Balance on October 9
-769.02Clear Sky-Cheque 52 – which did not clear as of October 9, 2022
2,700.00ESTIMATE Plot rentals 2023 (January to March 15)
-250.00ESTIMATE Insurance for 2023, BC Council of Garden Clubs
6,512.39Projected balance March 31, 2023

Membership Report: Naomi Ellis. We have 65 beds for rent. Naomi will send renewal notices before our November meeting.

President’s Report: Susan Howard – Susan thanked volunteers for their work and presented cards and a bouquet of flowers to regular volunteers.

Susan confirmed that the prospective move to a different location is at least 2 years off.

We achieved several goals this year. The new shed was put up early in 2022, and the City built a wheelchair accessible ramp this fall. We purchased a new lawnmover, and GableCraft donated an electric weed whacker.

Notice that water will be turned off November I and shed will be locked until spring. Naomi will send the lock codes  for the north gate to members.

Nominations and Election of New Officers:

President: Susan Howard – acclaimed

Vice President: Barbara Sibbald: -acclaimed

Treasurer: Magda Kernel – acclaimed

Secretary: Gail Hook has stepped down. Volunteer needed for this position.

Membership Director: Naomi Ellis – acclaimed

Communications and IT committee: Sarah Stolz, Val Kowalko, Barbara Sibbald and Scott McDonald. Jacynta Spicer & Chris Avis  were unable to attend but volunteered via e-mail to support IT.

Indigenous garden: Jasper Ruryk, Rae Willier, Barbara Sibbald

Member(s) at large: Members will attend board meetings, vote and assume responsibilities as needed.

Gail Hook

Marnie Latour

 Irina Mielecka

Changes to Garden by-laws: Susan introduced Gretchen Tobin who gave a summary of changes to the garden by-laws. Bylaw changes had previously been sent to all members. Moved by Susan, seconded by Gail that the changes be adopted.

Approved. There are still some issues outstanding which will be discussed at future meetings, and further changes may be proposed for the 2023 AGM.

Several members had good ideas for fundraising and events for next season. They are encouraged to come to a Board meeting and bring them up for discussion. Next meeting will be November 12, 2022 at 10:00 at the garden, or at Barb Sibbald’s home if weather is bad.

Meeting adjourned at 10:57.

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