Minutes of Board Meeting February 10 2024

9:30 at Barb Sibbald’s Residence

  1. Opening and welcome: Susan Howard – President.

  2. Attendance: Jean Brodie, Rita Anderson, Enzio Di Vito, Susan Howard, Gail Hook, Magda Kernel, Barb Sibbald, Naomi Ellis, Val Kowalko.

  3. Membership Report: Naomi reported that all the memberships have been paid. We welcomed 18 new members. At the time of the meeting there were two beds that had not been allocated.

  4. Financial Statement: Madga reported that we currently have a balance of $10,398.05 The liability insurance of $460.00 has been paid for 2024. After some discussion regarding a donation to Royal Bay Gardens, Magda suggested we defer that decision until after the cost of garden bed maintenance and possible rabbit fencing has been established.

  5. Old Business: There was some discussion regarding the current bylaws. Naomi suggested leaving the bylaws as they are for now. All members were encouraged to re-read the bylaws and discuss again at a future meeting.

  6. Royal Bay Community Garden Updates: Naomi and Barb continue to monitor the progress. Discussion on the ideal location continues with Ben from Gablecraft and the City of Colwood.

  7. Future Work Party: Discussion on a work party to complete weeding and mulching of the Indigenous beds as well as bed maintenance on the existing beds. It was decided that March 9 at 9:30 will be the date. Magda agreed to research the cost of soil purchase and drop off for general beds and Indigenous garden. Magda will also research pricing and amount of grave needed to complete the Indigenous garden. Bob has been assigned the task of organizing the repair to the current beds. In conjunction with Susan and Barb they will decide how much lumber and supplies are required. Barb will contact Dave Groves at City Hall regarding a liaison for the work party. Gail requested that there be a group designated to work on the herb garden. Barb is to ask Chris to adjust timing on the irrigation system and to ensure the water is turned on by March 9 work party.

  8. New Business: Rita led the discussion regarding the ongoing rabbit issue. Possible solutions were discussed. One possibity mentioned was the use of chicken wire along the bottom portion of the exterior garden fencing. It was mentioned that the gates will then require some work and adjustments. In regards to the sticking locks Susan suggested we hold off on purchasing any further winter maintenance.

  9. Living Edge Garden: The Living Edge at the Masonic Hall on Goldstream Avenue is to be relocated. Barb will continue to monitor the future relocation.  It was decided that until further notice we will continue on with planting the two Living Edge beds.

  10.  New Garden Tools: Magda is to put together a list of new garden tools needed and purchase them.  Fred Kowalko is to ensure that the lawn mower and grass trimmer are in good running order before March 9 work party. There was discussion regarding purchasing a gazebo for the garden space. Barb will check with Colwood City Hall regarding regulations and whether a permit is required. Magda will check on a few designs and the costs involved.

  11.   Seedy Saturday: A date of April 6 from 9-12 was suggested. This would involve and exchange of seeds and plants among garden members. Refreshments will be available. Discussion regarding having a Master Gardener visit the garden for a seminar has been deferred to a future date. Our next meeting will be held on March 9 in conjunction with the Spring Work Party.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 by Susan.  Coffee and goodies were enjoyed by all.

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